We accept, online payments through efunds , cash and checks made out to your child's school.
Online payments can be made here: https:https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/56862/
Lunch money should be sent to school in an envelope labeled with the child's full name and teacher.
You may email Angel Cowan [email protected] to request a student's lunch balance. Negative lunch balances are emailed weekly to those with an email address on file.
Please note: Per the Parent and Student Handbook: The Building Principal and District staff will work jointly to prevent meal charges from accumulating. Every effort to collect all funds due to the District will be made on a regular basis and before the end of the school year. Contact your Building Principal or designee about whether your charges may be carried over at the end of the school year, i.e., beyond June 30th.
The District will make reasonable efforts to collect charges classified as delinquent debt. When a student’s funds are low or there is a negative balance, reminders will be provided to the staff, students, and their parent(s)/guardian(s) at regular intervals during the school year. If a parent/guardian regularly fails to provide meal money and does not qualify for free meal benefits, the Building Principal or designee, will direct the next course of action. Continual failure to provide meal money may require the District to notify the Ill. Dept. of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and/or take legal steps to recover the unpaid meal charges.